Special Needs

Posted on 4:51 PM by Tina

I am a girl with special needs. And to be frank about it, I am god-damned sick and tired of feeling bad about that. I have the need for attention, affection, and, dare I say, adoration. If I am going to participate in a relationship then it had better be worth my time. Love and affection are not two things that are negotiable. Perhaps my love quotient is higher than other women and my need for affection is greater than your last woman. I'm tired of being ashamed of that, and tired of being labeled as somehow flawed because of that.

My lover needs to meet my needs. Period. If he can't, or won't, then I don't want to be in half of a relationship. Been there, done that. I demand, yes DEMAND, a certain amount of attention, affection and respect. No one could ever say I don't give it back tenfold. In a relationship I am very giving, attentive, responsive, and considerate. Certainly I am not perfect, but I give 100% effort. Perhaps that's been my problem, being the aggressive perfectionist I am. Perhaps I expect others to give the same effort that I give.

Nevertheless, give it all, or give it up. In life, be a leader, be a follower, or get out of my way.


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